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Your Daily Mental Health Assistant


About MindHorizon

Our Mission

At MindHorizon, we understand that various factors can influence your mental well-being. Our mission is to provide personal and convenient mental health support for everyone, while also promoting a correct understanding of depression. Through tailored results and appropriate recommendations, we aim to foster mental peace from the early stages of mental health challenges, rather than waiting for situations to escalate. Our approach ensures timely and effective intervention for lasting wellness.

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MindHorizon personalized mental health journey with built-in self-assessments. Differing from the traditional self-assessment PHQ-9, MindHorizon offers more accurate and personal results and advice daily based on the consistent data collected day by day.


Your body data is no longer some random numbers. By analyzing your heart rate, lying time, activity pattern, and sleep quality, MindHorizon will calculate your depression cycle and pop reminders when you are in a down mood.


MindHorizon provides instant access to 24/7 help hotlines and information on nearby therapists, ensuring you can find support with just a single click.

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